1. bill birdsong says:

    What an instructive and interesting saga! Like many, I follow your adventures from home and when Susie and I are on the road….in California right now…..airbnbs for us, I am afraid, our van days for 20 years of the past are over. All your decisions seem rational and linked to the time and place of your photography journey….I hope the next phase will be what you want and need. I follow the English landscape photorapher, Thomas Heaton, and he developed a van for his photography trips, much simpler than what you need. His trips are much shorter in time and distance but the modifications he made might be of interest to you. He can be found on Youtube. Good luck…and keep us all in the loop!

    1. Bill, you And Susie were way ahead of most of us with van travel. I will always remember meeting you in Wyoming for the first time in your camper van! I too follow Heaton at times.

  2. GariRae Gray says:

    I will continue to follow your saga on finding/creating the perfect photography RV. I’m struggling with that issue also, and appreciate the stages you went through. Have you, or any of yoir photography friends thought of carrying a small scooter on a rack attached the back of a Class B? Ive thought the scooter would be good for trips to local markets amd hiking trailheads, allowing the RV to be parked. Any thoughts?

    1. A scooter is a good idea at times depending on how much gear you carry and also where you photograph. It would not work in rain or the grizzly country I spend time photographing. I guess it all depends on where you go and what you photograph. Oh,I just modified this post into two sections today but you probably already read the checklist so ignore the new post. Somehow you read this while I was updating it. I would love to hear your thoughts on your perfect photographer RV as I really do struggle with what to do next. Two important factors for me are to be able to bring my RV as close to where I plan to photograph as possible so I can go back and forth during the day since I have a pet and to camp in cold weather.

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